CFR - the same entities enslaving the people with climate catastrophe hoaxes is protecting us from slavery. How is that possible unless we all have slave minds?

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Indeed, and at the worst degree of slavery : when, in order to ”exist”, we give up any form of common sense and choose to be blind and deaf regarding our ”choices” consequences...

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When the rich and powerful give excuses for why they need more riches and power, be suspicious.

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Meanwhile, in the Middle East and South Asia, Muslims own hundreds of thousands of Christian slaves. No one denies this.


Why is the media silent about it? Why does the world government ignore it? Because the slave owners are Muslims and the slaves are Christians.

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Renewables linked to increasing occurrence of global slavery ??? ...

Blaming mostly Muslims for these atrocities ?? ...

How about the declining birth-rates and mental-health problems due to excessive government-taxation in Western countries ??? ...

Just abolish entirely corrupt Western (and other) governments to free enough funds in order to pay fair prices for renewables or anything as well as raise enough children letting humanity have a decent future .

Will it happen ?? ...


More funds from the plebes must be freed to finance weapons, deadly clot-shots, WHO, UN (etc.) and an ever increasing Moloch of surveillance-tools and interest for government-debt .

Which is just The New Normal ...

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