Currently, brazen, totally reckless law-makers deliberately let financial interests be entirely legit while keeping the interested party entirely decoupled from any accountability for the consequences of the decisions taken; billions of people were negatively affected since launching the last plandemic ...

The creatures that are fully responsible for this kind of laws should be made fully aware well before their tenure that they will be held personally accountable in lieu of their handlers bribing the legislative bodies for such kind of laws !!!

Will this ever happen ???

NO !!!

Total corruption firmly permeates all levels of political action on a global scale.

What a coincidence ... 🤣🤣🤣

High-time for a hearty "AFUERA y CARAJO !!!" on a global scale !!!

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Thanks for sharing this, Joelle. I was unaware of Dr. Raoult.

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I like to bring “unsung heroes” to the light … Tonight (or tomorrow) : an other one, moreover Belgian ;-) : Dr Martin Zizi - who struggled on X/twitter from the very begininng… intolerable suspense, isnt’it ? ;-))

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Yes :D I haven't heard of him either. I look forward to learning about Dr. Zizi.

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