Ursi is untouchable .

She delivers, unfortunately NOT for the benefit of Europeans ...

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I know it’s wishful thinking, but I still hope there would be at least a ’formal’ trial. Maybe it could lead to a little less corruption... The real winning move would be to dismantle EU institutions as they have been built in such a dim way.

The true criminals will escape, of course...

Eternal is the fight between good and evil.

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No formal or any kind of trial; this just shows us to what degree the "Brussels' sprouts" are rotten !! entirely unpalatable ...🤢🤢🤮🤮

Evil is strong because people ask the wrong questions, if at all ...

As long as bellies are full with junk-food, some petrol in the car, cigarettes and "free" sex is available anywhere, nothing will change.

Only prolonged famine in vast parts of the populace lead to genuine revolutions with a lasting, positive outcome for the plebes. To avoid this scenario, they strongly promote the Universal Basic Income and because this is definitively too expensive on the long run, jabs with graphene and plasmids are injected in order to shorten their lifespan and save the contents of their coffers.

These creatures plan generations ahead and are formidable psychologists.

Greek philosopher Thucydides said: Don't blame only the perpetrator, but everybody who stays silent in front of evil too !!

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💯 !

- You say exactly what Pierre HILLARD said : people will have to suffer from cold and hunger before they revolt...

- ”people ask the wrong questions...” - at least they begin to ask questions...

My mother (95 years) said to me that she (and people of her age) would never have imagined that the government couldn’t be trusted. But many seem still consider ”the government”, ”the State”, ”the society” as Mum and Dad...

- And in response to Thucydides, Soljenitsyne : ”One drop of truth can outweigh an ocean of lies” ! 😉

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The more the masses accept statements such as this, the more they allow themselves to think this way, the more they say "What can you do?", the more they believe, the more they internalize that this is just the way things are, and that we are powerless to stop or change this state of affairs, then the more the masses help create and foster this state of affairs, and the more they seal their fate.

It is up to each and every individual one of us to be indignant of this state of the world, and up to us to NEVER be accepting of it, never resigned to it.

The more people, in numbers, get indignant, the more this mindset/attitude/resolve permeates throughout society, the more this frame of mind influences/convinces/turns others around us, eventually to create among the population a sense of not accepting it anymore, and at some point there will be so much of this lack of acceptance and so much firm demand for better or change, that the ruling class will no longer be able to suppress or ignore it.

The more we resign ourselves to the status quo, the more status quo we will get. The more we can make people understand the necessity for every individual to respect themselves and stop putting up with being abused, the more we can evoke change.

It's always been up to us, and it's mostly our apathy and acceptance or willingness to be cheated that enables the ruling powers to constantly ratchet up the assaults on us.

The global populace needs to develop self-respect, which is necessary to generate indignation that will in turn motivate a desire to organize a response/counter (if only a perceived readiness) to our abusers.

History can show many who thought themselves to be iron-fisted rulers end up strung up regardless of the amount and or severity of repression, when the people just had enough.

Never accept Injustice. Never.

Our role to play in it, as ordinary citizens, I believe is as I've outlined above, regardless of what the ruling psychopaths do.

Never give up, never give in.

As MLK warned us half a century ago: Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere.

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