Does anyone think that the “internationalists” in the U. S. Democrat party will not try to copy this here?

Merci à vous, CocotteMinute.

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You'e welcome ... I think PEOPLE of UE and USA are in the same boat..

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(about Canada : shame on me, I "forgot" our Canadian companions in misfortune - who paid the high price and still do ... )

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Also, if everyone increases their personal self reliance and courage that would help too. Can’t worry too much about what might go wrong. Per General Patton, make your plans and do not take council of your fears. If you are in the US, be armed. It’s raw power in the hands of the people, and they respect power if nothing else.

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Or even if you’re not in the US.

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I’m surprised they don’t criminalize mopery with intent to creep . They think they can solve all of societies problems by passing laws.

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They pass laws in order to make us believe we are still (? - if ever...) living in an ”État de Droit” (rule of law) ...

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Laugh at them, make jokes at their expense, make it cool to mock them. Old blonde jokes can be repurposed for this.

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Yes, humor can help to wake up some people. A very few brave artists do.

On the other hand, satire may lead to a kind of habituation, dedramatization, wich has the opposite result... and I’m really afraid the situation becomes so critical that laughter would weaken the necessary réaction...

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