There are not too many normal behaving and consuming/exploiting humans on planet Earth but definitively too many power-hungry, narcissistic, sociopathic creatures in decision-making positions.

Fact too is, that a US standard of life is not sustainable for everybody ...

See above and as an example: average consumption of a random US-American is about 36 times higher that of an average Indian. Even when considering that for every US American there are 4 Indians, the disparity stays at about 9:1 and THAT is the "problem". Don't let us even talk about the figures for the hoi-polloi of the so-called "high-society" ...

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Totally agree, even if one has to consider some disparities based on daily living needs such as a car to go to work or heating - but globally ”Western civilization” eats more than needed.

Whats makes me boil the most is the hypocrisy of our ”leaders” - when you think a such ridiculous small country as Belgium has sent about 450 delegates to COP29 !!! 😤🤬 I wonder how many made the journey on a bicycle to ”save the planet” !

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🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🤣🤣🤣🤣 !!!

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Population growth is limited by nourishment. Our era is nourished on the oil of the earth. Never before has earth oil been used to feed a species. It is an extremely rich source of energy. People flourish.

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So true! And if depopulation is becoming the real problem, as it is, then what is causing it?

I nominate government overreach as the cause. For decades, governments, from China to the US have instituted programs to reduce population growth. What if those programs worked? If those government programs had any effect, then governments -- along with the UN, leftist alarmists, leftist NGOs, and so on -- are to blame for the depopulation crises that we are facing now.

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