The slippery slope gets more and more slippery as the West having lost it’s Magna Carta forged identity slides towards the abyss of tyranny. And Mr. Eric Blair in his prescience called it so many decades ago.
Do we need more evidence that wokeism/leftism/Marxism is a religion? I don't. They now celebrate infanticide as a ritual and make the place they do it sacred ground.
Nevertheless, the oldest surviving indigenous people living in small communities worldwide, always have instinctively practiced abortion knowing that in case their numbers exceed Nature's capability to feed them all they will go the way of the Dodo ...
Time for people to claim the land they live on as theirs. How can someone not on the land claim it with words? How can words carry more weight than the body and mind of a man, woman or child?
If praying is forbidden, no doubt that any claim or protest will soon be answered with real bullets. Netherlands already did...
We are drowning in the shifting sands of this alleged ”tolerance” that will lead to this : every so-called ”offended minority” will turn against each other - while people fight against each other, they do not threaten those who make them fight. Unless they finally understand they all have been taken for a ride...
Yes, part of the gov script, so that eventually they call in UN army to KEEP the peace after the turmoil and.confusion they planned and created. Real Hegelian.
I truelly am ashamed, appalled, shocked of being called human when i read these absurd "stasi" regulations... unbelievable. Next thing they will jam our front doors down to see if we say grace before we eat our dinner. We should start eating our dinners in bunkers it seems, like practicing our Christian religion under ground, like in the old Russia, since they all focus on Christians it seems
The slippery slope gets more and more slippery as the West having lost it’s Magna Carta forged identity slides towards the abyss of tyranny. And Mr. Eric Blair in his prescience called it so many decades ago.
Abortion-clinics, the new, government approved sanctuaries !!!
Do we need more evidence that wokeism/leftism/Marxism is a religion? I don't. They now celebrate infanticide as a ritual and make the place they do it sacred ground.
Any "-ism" IS a cult !!
Nevertheless, the oldest surviving indigenous people living in small communities worldwide, always have instinctively practiced abortion knowing that in case their numbers exceed Nature's capability to feed them all they will go the way of the Dodo ...
Time for people to claim the land they live on as theirs. How can someone not on the land claim it with words? How can words carry more weight than the body and mind of a man, woman or child?
If praying is forbidden, no doubt that any claim or protest will soon be answered with real bullets. Netherlands already did...
We are drowning in the shifting sands of this alleged ”tolerance” that will lead to this : every so-called ”offended minority” will turn against each other - while people fight against each other, they do not threaten those who make them fight. Unless they finally understand they all have been taken for a ride...
{...understand they all have been taken for a ride...} Will it ever happen ??? ...
N O !!!
Dear Klaus, you’re really too optimistic ! 🤣🤣😉
Well, I guess ”some” will understand, and the rest will follow. As usual. High tide, low tide...
Rusty buckets aren't useful when a Tsunami approaches ...
Yes, part of the gov script, so that eventually they call in UN army to KEEP the peace after the turmoil and.confusion they planned and created. Real Hegelian.
I truelly am ashamed, appalled, shocked of being called human when i read these absurd "stasi" regulations... unbelievable. Next thing they will jam our front doors down to see if we say grace before we eat our dinner. We should start eating our dinners in bunkers it seems, like practicing our Christian religion under ground, like in the old Russia, since they all focus on Christians it seems