By Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel for Libre Média | Opinions - Monday, December 4, 2023, at 10:00
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By presenting life as a terrible burden and humanity as a virus for the planet, is wokeism pushing people to suicide? The editorial by our editor-in-chief Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel.
The data on the explosion of mental health problems testifies day after day to the lamentable state of our society.
An ambient heaviness is palpable on a Western scale, especially in Quebec, where the people who serve as our elite zealously submit to ideological fashions.
As columnist Frédéric Têtu observes, Quebec seems to want to be at the forefront of the decline of the West, which makes it one of the main laboratories for new “progressive” experiments.
Wokeism is perhaps less political than psychological.
To explain psychological distress, we talk a lot about work performance, a world dominated by image and the influence of social media – among other phenomena –, forgetting the disastrous impact of wokeism on the population. Its influence particularly affects young people, despite themselves always on the front lines of paradigm shifts, as we have seen during the pandemic.
Woke psychology
It is important to understand that wokeism is not only the defense of cultural and sexual diversity – as well as a certain ecological awareness –, but also, or even above all, a psychological stance. This element is very important.
Wokeism does not only bring together all the causes of the new “left” by opposing different groups in a Manichean way (whites against racialized, men against women, etc.), it is an ideology of spoiled children, the slightest standard imposed on their fragile person becoming a “micro-aggression”.
"I suffer therefore I am"
Wokism is perhaps less political than psychological. Wokism is this ideology that allows Catherine Dorion to present their situation as a privileged citizen as a torture, it is this paranoid imagination that makes its followers believe that they suffer more than Christ on the cross.
Also read: The imaginary struggles of Catherine Dorion
A death drive, wokism makes people regret being born who are nevertheless very lucky to live peacefully in a country spared from war, kidnappings and real natural cataclysms. Wokism is an insult to human misery.
This system disturbs young people by making them believe that they were born in the wrong body, invents problems for them out of whole cloth, confuses their minds, slows down their intellectual development, it indoctrinates them to make them adhere to its dark vision of the world.
Wokeism is this ideology that celebrates women who publicly express their regret at being mothers, it is this quasi-religion that glorifies ugliness and mediocrity by taking as models "personalities" who constantly complain about existing.
To put it more simply: Wokeism is a depressive and suicidal ideology.
"I suffer therefore I am", such is the motto of this current of susceptible and egocentric beings that must be linked to the explosion of mental health problems.
Under its influence, not only does the Western world self-destruct by removing the last great cultural references to which it can and must attach itself in order to persist (think of the war against Christmas), but it also pushes its members to suicide by presenting life as a terrible burden.
Transversal, wokeism presents life as an endless oppression (political version), as a health risk (sanitary version), as an attack on nature (environmentalist version) and as an unbearable “mental burden” (psychological version). Life is hard when you’re woke!
Wokeism dreams of degrowth in all sectors until the disappearance of life. It also manifests itself through the unhealthy quest for a target 0 that has become emblematic of the rejection of life (zero covid, zero carbon, zero calories, zero birth rate, zero life). While waiting for nirvana – the utopian arrival of the global safe space – the only way to protect ourselves from all the dangers that await us is self-extinction, suicide.
On this subject: A society that cultivates and maintains mental illness
It is extremely worrying that this school of thought is disseminated in our schools, in the arts, entertainment and museums thanks to numerous public programs.
The only way to live peacefully in this asylum funded by governments with our own money is to free ourselves from this mental cancer.
We need to make it trendy and cool to mock wokeism. Find blonde jokes and change "blonde" to "woke" will work in many places. All of the cool kids should be making fun of the woke. Don't mock any particular individual, just wokeism in general.
{...The only way to live peacefully in this asylum funded by governments with our own money is to free ourselves from this mental cancer...}
DE-fund the governments by tax-avoidance, DE-centralize by building small, fully sustainable communities, produce, consume, buy, sell, teach, learn locally.