Every engineered crisis is a COVER STORY for a larger globalist crime or power grab
Highlights :
Every engineered crisis is launched to cover up a crime or a power grab to be used against humanity
Here's a summary of the most notable crisis events being engineered right now as cover stories for larger crimes carried out by the globalist elite:
- FINANCIAL COLLAPSE covers up the government's financial crimes and explains away mass poverty by blaming America's enemies for waging "currency wars." It also provides a convenient narrative for governments rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) while eliminating most mid-level retail banks, concentrating financial power in the hands of a few globalist banks like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and Bank of America.
- A MILITARY DRAFT covers up skyrocketing vaccine deaths among America's youth, blaming their deaths on war (with Islam, most likely). It also covers up the deaths of vaccinated active duty military personnel.
- DOMESTIC TERRORISM (from radical Islamic border crossers) justifies calls for domestic martial law that enables government to attempt nationwide gun confiscation while claiming to be "protecting" the citizens. Watch carefully how upcoming acts of sabotage, terrorism and mass death in the continental United States will be carried out with whatever weapons the administration wants to ban: AR-15s, "ghost guns," arm braced AR pistols, high-capacity magazines, etc.
- MARTIAL LAW, meanwhile, halts elections and ends any real political reckoning for the same Democrat regime that rigged 2020 and plunged America into inflation, war and despair. That's why Biden regime officials operate without any sense of accountability. They never plan to be held accountable for anything. Real power means never having to rely on the will of the voters to approve of anything you're doing. These efforts are aided by the spineless GOP that still won't demand paper ballots... and who therefore will be clobbered again if there is an election in 2024. (Republicans can only play the role of losers, not leaders, and their only real loyalty is to Israel, not America.)
- FOOD INSECURITY is spreading across America thanks to food inflation, geoengineering (weather weapons) and routine sabotage of America's food infrastructure (food production facilities, grain storage, etc.). This crisis is engineered to force people onto government food stamp programs which will of course be merged with CBDCs and vaccine compliance, so that the only people allowed to enter grocery stores and receive government-allotted food handouts will be those who take the required jabs and don't criticize Israel.
- MASS HOMELESSNESS of the American people is being engineered through spiking home mortgage rates and unaffordable rent. Millions of Americans will lose their homes (which will be taken over by Blackrock and various banks) to live in tent cities that are already being set up in Chicago, NYC and other locations to house illegal immigrants. In a shocking "trading places" event, the illegal migrants will be gifted the homes previously occupied by Americans, thanks to various government grant programs that are already favoring migrants over U.S. veterans, for example, with generous handouts and free housing. In effect, the tent cities of migrants will be swapped out with destitute Americans, while the migrants live in the homes that Americans can no longer afford. Millions of Americans will end up living in tent cities, entirely dependent on government handouts of food and (limited) shelter.
- GEOENGINEERING / WEATHER WEAPONIZATION is used to destroy cities (Acapulco, for example) and obliterate crops and water supplies, ultimately forcing large masses of people into 15-minute cities where they are monitored, controlled and killed off via vaccines and violence. Through weather weaponization, a "global Holodomor" is being unleashed against humanity, making it increasingly difficult for anyone to achieve food self-reliance and thereby resist total control efforts of the globalists. Two outstanding sources on this subject include Dane Wigington (GeoengineeringWatch.org) and David DuByne (Adapt 2030).