Vladimir Bukovsky about the European Union: “I have experienced your future and it didn't work. »»
”What is terrifying is that not only are people aware of this truth, but many still believe in this project...”
Source : https://twitter.com/Galadriell__/status/1844636582688465018
"It seems to me incomprehensible that, after the burial of a monster, the Soviet Union, another equally remarkable monster, the European Union, that is to be built. What exactly is the European Union?
Perhaps by examining Soviet Russia, we could get an answer. The Soviet Union was governed by 15 non -elected men, who designated each other and did not take into account anyone. The European Union is governed by 20 men who are called themselves, meet in secret and do not answer anyone, and whom we cannot dismiss.
You could say that the EU has an elected parliament. Well, the Soviet Union also had its Parliament, the Supreme Soviet. The same label applies to the Supreme Soviet, and the speaking time is limited, each MEP having about a minute.
In the EU, there are hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats with enormous wages, as well as many servants, bonuses and privileges, immunity for life against any form of persecution, being simply moved from a post to a Another, it doesn't matter what they have done or failed to do. Isn't that exactly what the Soviet diet did?
The Soviet Union was created by force and often by military occupation. The European Union was not created by military force, but certainly by force and economic abuses. To continue to exist, the Soviet Union has constantly extended. As she stopped expanding, she started to collapse. And I suspect that this is also true for the European Union. We were told that the goal of the Soviet Union was to create a new historical entity, the Soviet people, and that we had to forget our nationality, our ethnic traditions, our customs. The same things seem to be true for the European Union. They do not want you to be British or French, they want you to be a new historical entity, Europeans, that you repressed all your national feelings and that you live as a multinational community. After 73 years, the same system in the Soviet Union has resulted in more ethnic conflicts than anywhere else in the world.
In the Soviet Union, one of the main objectives was the destruction of the nation state. And this is exactly what we observe in the European Union today. Brussels wants to absorb nation states so that these nations cease to exist.
Corruption was omnipresent in the Soviet system, from the summit to the base, and this is also the case in the EU. The same activity of endemic corruption which permeated the whole of the Soviet Union exists in the EU. Those who oppose it or denounce it are reduced to silence or punished. It hasn't changed. In the Soviet Union, we had the gulag. I think we have a gulag in the European Union too. An intellectual gulag known as political correction. When someone tries to say what he thinks, on breed or sex issues, or if his ideas differ from those approved, he will be ostracized.
This is the start of the gulag, the start of the loss of your freedom!
In the Soviet Union, we were told that we needed a federal state to avoid war.
In the European Union, you are told exactly the same thing. In summary, the same ideology, the EU is the old Soviet model presented under Western habit
But, I repeat, like the Soviet Union, the European Union carries in it the seeds of its own fall. Unfortunately, when it collapses, and it will happen, it will leave immense destruction behind it and we will face enormous economic and political problems. The former Soviet system was unable to reform, just like that of the European Union. But there is an alternative to be directed by these 20 self-nominated officials in Brussels. This is called independence. You should not accept what they have planned for you! After all, you were never asked if you wanted to join. I had your future and it didn't work. »»
What is terrifying is that not only are people aware of this truth, but many still believe in this project, despite all that we are undergoing every day because of this European Union. They did not understand that, as Pierre Manent said, "the way we build Europe is not to continue France, but to get rid of it. »»
There is also the category of those who understood, like some politicians, like European deputies who say nothing because their position is too comfortable but I can assure you that this project is doomed to failure. They pretend to fight for France, but unless they are schizophrenic, they know "that we do not solve a problem with the modes of thought that have generated it".
True to the core...
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