The ”extreme center” ? A totalitarian danger.
”Extreme center is not a polemical term, but a tool for understanding reality.”
By Jean-Yves Le Gallou for Polemia (original article Here )
The extreme center is a term that recently appeared in the space of political-media dissidence and was popularized in particular by Mathieu Bock-Côté. Contrary to appearances, it is not a polemical term but a tool for understanding reality that can be summarized as follows:
1 – There is an ideology of the center. That of the media doxa.
2 – This ideology is increasingly pushed to extremes in its practical applications.
3 – This ideology imposes itself in the public space through propaganda, censorship and professional prohibitions on a model not far from that which prevailed at the end of Soviet communism.
Let's start again.
The five pillars of the ideology of the center
1. The ideology of the center is not (or is no longer) the moderate and nuanced consideration of what comes from the left and the right. No, it is an ideology in line with the media doxa and built around five projects :
immigrationism , the doctrine according to which immigration is beneficial in itself and must continue indefinitely, especially since zero immigration would be impossible;
free trade which leads to an ever greater opening of borders to the movement of goods, capital and people;
diversity affirmationism , that is to say submission to the demands of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities aimed at obtaining an ever greater place for them in the public space;
the obligation of "energy transition" to save the planet from global warming, which is certainly real, but also presumed to be catastrophic and supposedly of anthropogenic origin;
obsessive hygiene which consists of spreading fear of epidemics (H1N1, COVID, monkeypox) among populations;
NATOism , that is, the alignment of diplomatic and military policies and media discourse with the line of the American deep state and its military-industrial lobby.
These five points are protected by the "rule of law ", another name for the power of judges - international, constitutional, administrative and common law - to validate or not the texts of law with regard to the doxa. And imposed in the opinion thanks to the media-associative complex , that is to say the recognition as "experts" of the representatives of subsidized associations, invited to spread the good word in the media.
The circle of unreason
2. This ideology of the center is now implemented in an increasingly extreme way, it is the circle of unreason.
On free trade : despite deindustrialization, the loss of a technical culture and the risks to food sovereignty, new free trade agreements (Canada, Mercosur, etc.) are constantly being signed and implemented without discernment despite electoral promises to the contrary.
On immigration : more and more entries each year, 500,000 additional entries of foreigners (outside the European Union) each year in France, more than a million in Great Britain. Until when?
When it comes to minority rights , we have gone from equal opportunities to "positive discrimination" and, in fact, to anti-white racism. Then from tolerated Gay Pride to subsidized Gay Pride, and finally to imposed Gay Prides, such as during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games. Not to mention the promotion of transsexuality in national education.
The "energy transition" serves as a justification for the destruction of landscapes (with wind turbines and solar panels) and real estate (with standards that ban aesthetic concerns). It is also a convenient way to create new taxes and impose new standards that reduce freedom of property and interfere inside homes.
Hygiene leads to applying the methods of veterinary medicine to humans: confinement, compulsory vaccination, even eradication of the sick (as was the case with the use of Rivotril in nursing homes at the start of the COVID epidemic).
As for NATO , it ignores basic national interests, as we saw with the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline by our allies ( sic ).
All this is accompanied by a warlike vocabulary: war on “racism,” war on “homophobia,” war on viruses, war on global warming, war on the evil Putin. “We are at war,” President Macron often repeats, but the first victim of war is the truth, the second is freedom.
A freedom for citizens that judges then refuse to defend "in the name of circumstances". While pushing beyond the limits of what is possible the rules for welcoming foreigners: thus the National Court of Asylum (CNDA) opened a systematic right to asylum to the "community of Afghan women" (20 million people) and to "the community of Togolese homosexuals" (400,000 people?), both of whom can then use family reunification to bring their loved ones over. Crazy! The so-called "circle of reason" is nothing other than a circle of unreason.
Unreason is also debt and "whatever it takes". By dint of "waging war" on "racism", viruses, global warming, Putin, deficits are growing: in 2024, 180 billion in deficit will be added to the existing 3,100 billion in debt. Again, until when?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou: “The extreme center is anarcho-tyranny”
The center pincers
3 – Propaganda and censorship: the totalitarian pincer movement
In France, one couple sums up the totalitarian pincer movement: on my left, Caroline Roux, omnipresent on public service channels (France 5, France 2), she is the one who arbitrates (!) the electoral debates: she is in charge of propaganda. Her husband is Laurent Solly, the boss of Meta France and Meta Europe: he is in charge of censoring accounts that displease the government on Facebook and Instagram, including alternative media accounts like Frontières.
In France, propaganda is massive: in the National Education system, in universities, in businesses (through charters), in advertising, in cultural programs, in films, in series, in publishing. This propaganda is all the more powerful because it relies on almost all media, public media as well as those of the big private oligarchs: Bouygues media (the immigrationist concreter), Saadé media (the Lebanese shipowner), Niel media (the main host of pedophile videos), Arnault media (globalized luxury), Kretinsky media (the Czech coal miner).
But propaganda is not enough to impose the dogmas of the extreme center: it needs the complement of censorship to prevent the expression of divergent opinions. This is why the thought police are not idle.
In August 2024, France has no government but the thought police have never been so active:
withdrawal of TNT channels from C8 and NRJ 12;
Arcom pressure on CNews;
censorship of many accounts by Meta;
The founder of the Telegram messaging service, Pavel Durov, has been arrested for allegedly protecting the confidentiality of the encrypted messaging service's correspondence.
Should we add a bill (Lefèvre law), voted on in the first instance in the National Assembly, providing for the criminalization of private remarks made at home, at family parties or in the company restaurant. Incredible? But, alas, true.
This is where France stands, land of freedom and homeland of human rights...
It is true that this drift is that of the whole of the West.
European Commissioner Thierry Breton openly threatens Elon Musk and the social network Twitter.
In Germany, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (the political police) has arrogated to itself the right to validate the recruitment of parliamentary attachés.
In Great Britain, the Labour government released 500 criminals, often foreigners, in order to be able to imprison 500 English patriots hostile to its crazy immigration policy, and often for simple posts . Another example of anarcho-tyranny .
Europe is the civilization of freedoms . The extreme center is an existential threat to it.
Jean-Yves Le Gallou