By Jeanne Smits,
The hypothesis of the end of the Gulf Stream and the glaciation of Europe has resurfaced in the media, as Pauline Mille pointed out here a few days ago, making fun of “glaciation by global warming ". Utrecht University has even announced it for “the coming decades”. This is false, reassures Anthony Watts , meteorologist, on the site, responding to an alarmist article on the subject published on CNN which mentioned “early signs of collapse” of this essential current for safeguarding a climate. temperate in Europe.
The CNN article was based on a study published by Science Advances : "Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course." very complex currents, the circulation of the southern Atlantic currents – is on the verge of tipping). Like others who took up the information, it was illustrated with a world caught in ice where nothing grows.
Collapse of the Gulf Stream: three deceptions
First deception: the study is not based at all on physics but on climate modeling.
Second deception: the study does not speak of tomorrow or a few decades, but of a supposed shift of the AMOC in 1,758 years, in the year 3782. There is reason to see this coming.
Third deception: far from representing the analysis of multiple teams (and we can emphasize this even if the notion of consensus is today sadly overused or manipulated), the study is based on only one model, the Community Earth System Model (CESM) whose projections are very distant in time and the presuppositions not verified, like a melting of the ice like we have not experienced in our lifetime.
Anthony Watts says: “Even so, the CESM pump had to be primed with unrealistic meltwater data for the researchers to reach the conclusion they did. They ran the model, then very gradually added modeled fresh water to the modeled North Atlantic, presumably simulating Greenland ice melt that could disrupt the AMOC. »
The collapse of the Gulf Stream calculated from very false data
And there, big problem: “the quantity of fresh water from the melt that they injected into the model is approximately five times greater than the actual quantity of ice available in Greenland for this hypothetical melt.”
The proof ? The study indicates that 14,629,305 km³ of modeled fresh water were added to the model, while the Greenland ice sheet, gigantic as it is, contains around 2.9 million cubic kilometers of ice. These are the figures from the American National Snow and Ice Data Center… More than 5 times less.
These two factors, the distance from the predicted collapse as well as the impossible volume of water retained to lead to it, “make the study completely obsolete and of no interest”, according to Watts.
This also highlights that the AMOC slowed down around 12,500 years ago, probably following an increase in freshwater discharge into the North Atlantic. It was the end of the most recent ice age...and the beginning of the great civilizations, Watts writes in substance.
The Gulf Stream carries contradictory opinions
As for the Gulf Stream itself, it is regularly the subject of articles announcing contradictory, but always catastrophic, conclusions, either that the currents are collapsing, leading to extreme weather conditions, or that they are accelerating , which will lead to extreme weather conditions.
Watts concludes: “As far as AMOC is concerned, not only is the science not settled, but the media has no idea how to determine whether the science they are talking about is based in fact. and correct, or whether what they write about it is accurately reported, or whether the conclusion of a particular study fits into the overall science on AMOC. »
But you will have noticed the constant: it is a catastrophe in all cases, and the man who is capable of “warming the planet” also has the means to stop the variations in ocean currents.
“You will be like gods,” Satan tells him at the beginning of the story. Basically, the discourse has not changed.
...and the fearmongering goes on unabatedly...
All these self-appointed "experts" should expose their government- and NGO-funded crystal balls on the table so everybody knows right from the beginning that a new episode of "fear and laughter, special edition for the highly gullible" is upcoming.
Modern mass-society with its intrinsic anonymity has led to a shameless bunch of filthy rats ...