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In the UK, thousands of children are unjustly taken from their families every year. It is the frightening chronicle of newborns taken from the maternity ward, from women who have never had children before, under the pretext of a suspicion of future mistreatment... This film reveals an unthinkable drift: the Great Each year, Brittany sets quotas for children to be taken from their parents and adoption targets. If the counties which must apply this policy do not succeed, they suffer financial sanctions and their budget is downwardly revised. Private agencies, sometimes listed on the stock exchange, are often responsible for placing these children and getting them adopted. The first part of this investigative series received the SCAM Investigation Prize at FIGRA and the SCAM 2017 Star. Title: Stolen Children of England A film by Stéphanie Thomas and Pierre Chassagnieux A Dreamway production
Children are picked up from a very young age by the so-called educational system. (see our previous posts on sex education for toddlers.
French-speaking parents want to intervene with those responsible. A petition would legitimize this intervention. Please listen to the video, read the text of the petition and the 2 hyperlinks there. You can sign and distribute if the content suits you.
You don't have to be Swiss for this. This is a civic act.
See video here :
It’s unbelievable what’s happened to England. And you can be arrested just for an opinion. People should demand a law stating the rights of the individual, they could name it something like “The Magna Carta.” It would be a start.