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“ He was one of those men who have nothing vibrant or elastic, who are composed of inert molecules, who do not resonate with the shock of any idea, with contact with any feeling, who have frozen anger, dull hatreds, emotionless outbursts, which catch fire without heating up, whose caloric capacity is zero, and which one would often say were made of wood; they flame at one end and are cold at the other.
The main line, the diagonal line of this man's character, was tenacity. He was proud of being tenacious, and compared himself to Napoleon. This is just an optical illusion. There are a number of people who are fooled by this and who, from a certain distance, mistake tenacity for will, and a candle for a star.
When this man had once adjusted what he called his will to an absurd thing, he went head high and through all the brush to the end of the absurd thing. Stubbornness without intelligence is stupidity welded to the end of stupidity and serving as an extension. This goes a long way.
In general, when a private or public catastrophe has fallen upon us, if we examine, from the rubble lying on the ground, how it was constructed, we almost always find that it was blindly planned. built by a mediocre and stubborn man who had faith in himself and who admired himself. There are many stubborn little fatalities in the world who believe they are providences.
Excerpt from “Claude Gueux”, Victor Hugo, 1834.
Your Hugo quotes are great.