Jean-Dominique Michel (*) between yesterday's health crisis and his vision of tomorrow
An interview by Dr Vincent RELIQUET (**)
“Never doubt that a small group of motivated people has the power to change the world. In fact, that is how it has always happened.”
Margaret MEAD
Talking about Jean-Dominique Michel is already quite enjoyable, so imagine the pleasure when it comes to conversing with him. He wrote his second book dedicated to the Covid crisis in a more complex way because the time for description is over, he places here a deep reflection on the unimaginable, conspiratorial, cogs that presided over the development of this global madness. In the background, our elite anthropologist no longer draws us the years 2020-2023, but our near future… Which it is perhaps still possible to write differently. Enjoy reading.
Dr Vincent Reliquet: My dear Jean-Dominique, I should just say dear member, thank you again for your participation in Lyon at our last congress. We said to ourselves that we had to present your latest book to our readers, and that's done here. You had made us follow the unfolding of the Covid crisis in a cold and clinical manner in the previous opus, which is probably why you had aptly titled it "Autopsy of a Disaster", your work had been fascinating to follow. You are back with a second work of the same format, like you shouldn't fall on your foot on an ingrown toenail, it's "The Fabrication of Disaster". In this latest work you dismantle the entire machinery and that's what hurts the most in fact, because you document that in this crisis compared to that of the swine flu, nothing was left to chance "at the top". For example, you explain that during Covid there were collusions that were unimaginable for a normal brain, for example the one that united the Chinese Communist Party and the CIA. Be careful, you could have your AIMSIB card withdrawn for having imagined such a setup...
Jean-Dominique Michel: Thank you dear Vincent for your warm welcome and for this question. It is sometimes a pitfall that we reproduce in the resistance of not daring to ask ourselves questions that are a little tonic or potentially embarrassing, and I believe that we must be careful not to prevent ourselves from doing so. I would obviously be dismayed to see myself stripped of my membership of AIMSIB, but my defense against this risk will be to protect myself behind my sources. The question that I asked myself when starting this new book was to understand what had organized a health and societal disaster as systematic as that of the management of Covid. From this observation, precisely, that it was systematic! When we make a mistake, well we make a mistake once in one direction, once in the other, but not always, on all subjects, in the same direction. So for me, after taking stock of the disaster, it was a matter of thinking about what, or who, had organized it, trying to understand whether it had been intentional or not and seeing whether it had been prepared and planned or had happened on the contrary in a kind of spontaneous delirious and destructive burst, with an obvious systemic dimension, but without there necessarily being any intentionality. However, all of the anti-health constraint measures that we have undergone turn out to have been imposed in China in January 2020, before being taken up by the WHO on one side and Anthony Fauci, with the entire American state health system, on the other. Presented from then on as the appropriate "new standard" for managing epidemics when they contradicted all the knowledge accumulated on the subject.
The lockdowns, the wearing of masks, the invasive tracheal intubation of patients with respiratory decompensation, the media and social media attack on the Swedish model (which simply applied the guidelines provided for in the pandemic plans – including that of the WHO dating from 2019) all come from the Chinese Communist Party, taken up and then imposed in our various countries. Which, as we know, were all advised by McKinsey on the strategies to adopt to make the populations accept such absurdities. We also know that the current Director General of the WHO was appointed with the support of China, the United States and of course Bill Gates, who is currently its main financier. Now, Gates and Fauci had made a pact in 2000 to take control of mental health and the WHO, based on the following deal: Gates brought his almost unlimited resources, Fauci opened the doors of national and international health agencies, in a real joint venture or criminal association. An operation which ensured in passing a massive return on investment for Gates and his foundations, in cahoots of course with the pharmaceutical industry, but also the military-industrial complex, Big Food, Big Tech, Big Data and the media.
As you point out, the collusion between communist China and the Western capitalist oligarchy can and must be noted, without me being able at this stage to describe its exact nature. Different hypotheses are on the table, without it being possible to see clearly yet. The chapter of my book which presents all the data on this subject is essentially composed of the translation of a letter sent to the FBI in 2021 by a group of lawyers, doctors and specialists in American intelligence. Their work is rigorously sourced and allows each reader to verify element by element the relevance of this perspective.
Dr VR: I remember a book by Ariane Bilheran that you know well because you wrote the preface (1), which explained that at the Liberation, the world had absolutely not separated itself from Nazi ideology and its relationship with the weakest, you tell us about people like Anthony Fauci who was director of the American NIAID, the doctor reputed to be the most powerful in the world and whose deadly experiments on children remain completely forgotten by the media, yet it is him that the world followed blindly for three years, tell us!
JDM: Julian Assange paid a high price for revealing the systematic disinformation work carried out by the Western press to hide reality from public opinion. And in particular to make it accept as legitimate the countless wars unleashed by the West for fallacious reasons over the last few decades. This disinformation and the propaganda it serves are now so systematic that we are forced to note that the major media narratives on important issues no longer have anything to do with reality. They only manipulate us so that we believe what those in power want us to believe about reality. What I am saying here has been perfectly visible throughout the COVID crisis. People who have never ventured outside the cordon sanitaire of the "mainstream" media narrative remain convinced today that we have experienced a terrifying epidemic, that there was no solution to protect ourselves from it or to cure it, and that only the saving "vaccine" has allowed us to get out of this mess. When you know the reality of things, this story is simply surreal. Malcolm X, the great American black activist, had warned that the media apparatus would succeed in making us love our oppressors and hate the oppressed.
Fauci is the archetype of the corrupt, mafia-like psychopath. He rose to a dominant position within the American state apparatus (his salary was the highest in the entire civil service, even higher than that of the President of the United States!), with a stranglehold on all funding for public research, used as leverage: researchers who dared to oppose him risked being deprived of funding and seeing their careers end! Fauci also organized a system by which officials granting marketing authorizations to new drugs received commissions on the sale of these products year after year. He himself received sums amounting to tens of millions of additional dollars, but it was an ecosystem composed of tens of thousands of collaborators of state agencies that was watered. The New York Post revealed that $710 million was redistributed between 2021 and 2023 to these state officials! Fauci, as you mentioned, carried out abominable experiments (denounced in particular by Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Vera Sharav) on vulnerable populations in Africa as well as on children placed in orphanages in New York. Mass graves containing more than 80 children's corpses were discovered in this city. Investigative journalists who investigated this affair revealed that children as young as 5 were given potentially fatal drugs as part of "therapeutic trials" during the AIDS years. When they refused to take them or struggled, they were tied up with a stomach tube to ensure that the drugs were absorbed, if necessary until death!
The simple fact that such a piece of trash could have been presented as the virtuous guarantor of the health of Americans and a loyal servant of the law illustrates, if need be, the power that corrupt politicians and media have today to influence public opinion. In her book on the Nazi International, Ariane Bilheran starts from a hypothesis formulated by Hannah Arendt in 1945: that the Nazis could have chosen to sacrifice Germany to achieve their ends. Understanding that they would not succeed in militarily defeating the Allied forces, they would have persisted until the end in causing the destruction of Germany and thus giving the illusion of defeat, but with the strategy of then infiltrating all the organs of power of the "victors", so as to be able to succeed, a few decades later, in establishing the planetary domination that is at the heart of their project. It is clear that the Nazi "elites" were largely recycled in our various countries after the war, well beyond the famous Operation Paperclip . Both the European Union and the UN and NATO had former Nazis at their head...
Above all, the ideology of the totalitarian drift underway today has all the attributes of fascism, the definition of which, I remind you, is the fusion of big business and the State. I do not know to what extent Hannah Arendt's hypothesis is correct, but there are indeed troubling affiliations, both ideologically and genetically, between the current rulers of a globalist project that increasingly resembles a dictatorship and the Nazi nomenklatura .
Dr VR: A billionaire among others never makes headlines in the mainstream press, it's Bill Gates, the hero of Microsoft, why? He's not interested in vaccines?
JDM: Your question takes us back to the same fascinating perspective. Gates has no legitimacy outside of IT and the management of multinationals, but he is the person who – according to the investigation by the very mainstream media Politico and Die Welt – has actually been in charge, through his various foundations and outside of any state control, of the global response to COVID. We know his obsession with vaccination, which is religious in nature and not at all health-related, given his discord with real scientific data on the matter. Not content with having phagocytized global health, Gates has a set of demiurgic visions and has invested in all sorts of areas ranging from the purchase of agricultural land in the United States (he is now the largest landowner, with an obsession with GMO monocultures) to digital identity projects, climate regulation by dispersing particles in the stratosphere, the production of synthetic meat, not to mention programs for the sexualization of children starting in kindergarten. All sorts of disgusting obsessions which, if we had collectively retained a grain of common sense, would make us indignant at such a claim to become the master of the world and impose its toxic delusions on the populations.
The fact that this guy is not only taken seriously but even hyped up in a virtuous light by the mainstream press – admittedly a prostitute, which Gates “generously” sprinkles – shows that we have collectively tipped into what a group of thinkers (let us of course mention Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, Guy Debord, Michel Maffesoli, Edgar Morin and others) have called simulacra, or hyper-reality. That is, a narrative about reality, false but convincing by dint of being hammered home, gradually replacing reality in public opinion. The fact, for example, that an experimental non-immunizing gene injection was presented as a “vaccine,” and those who refused to submit to this risky medical experiment were called “anti-vaxxers,” is a perfect example of hyper-reality. To portray Gates, a psychopathic, megalomaniac global predator who has bought himself a reputation laundering through fake philanthropy that in reality generates massive returns on investment, as a "benefactor of humanity" is of the same level of collective delusion.
Dr VR: You chose a violent subtitle, you talk about a "press in agony". Yet it is a powerful sector in a democracy, isn't it?
JDM: I include this term in the happy perspective described by Michel Maffesoli of the transition in which we are now engaged between two eras. The modern era and the values that founded it (rationalism, individualism, productivism) are collapsing to make way for a new era that will be based on sensitive intelligence, community groups, as well as supportive and sustainable economic and social models. The mainstream press had its moment of glory during the modern era: we will remember how the media, in the past, played this role of counter-power, of critical analysis, of taking a step back from events and of a certain independence of mind that had given it its letters of nobility. Today, like other social systems (such as parliament, the court, school or hospital, etc.), they are nothing more than a caricature of what they once were. Maffesoli noted that every ending era experiences a delirious burst where it becomes a monstrous and toxic caricature of itself preceding its final collapse.
When I say that the press is dying, it is both in terms of the total loss of its integrity and its values (and therefore ultimately of its meaning and even its "raison d'être"), but also of its influence. You know as well as I do the reality of the population's loss of trust in the mainstream media: in France today there are only 27% of people who consider that the information conveyed by the press is reliable! There is also this economic reality that if the press was not supported by a corrupt government diverting French people's taxes to feed this machine for manufacturing disinformation and propaganda, it would have been bankrupt a long time ago. Independent media, on the other hand, have a phenomenal audience. You know that I myself launched a Web-TV a little over a year ago, precisely to bring to the attention of those who may be interested a set of perspectives now banned from mainstream channels. If we bring together all the main independent media, such as France-Soir, Tocsin, Putsch, Les Incorrectibles in France, Kairospresse or BAM in Belgium, or l'Anti-presse in Switzerland and so many others, we already far exceed the audience scores of the mainstream media.
Dr VR: How could you explain to the peaceful inhabitants of this planet what you masterfully develop in your book, namely that the military has already taken power over our lives?
JDM: What I reveal in the book (after others, Robert Kennedy Jr, Michel Cucchi and Hélène Banoun for example have spoken very well about it), is that we have witnessed for 25 years a progressive militarization of public health, but also of the entire media apparatus and even ultimately of political decision-making. This shocked us all, I believe, as far as France is concerned: in the name of what was the management of an epidemic entrusted to a cell covered by defense secrecy?! It is a question that the media or political caste dodges like a cat on hot coals, but we understand that there is in reality no possible justification for this.
Now, since we have thwarted all the measures that we knew we had to take to deal with an epidemic and replaced them with measures that we knew were useless and destructive, it was a matter for me of tracing the history of this reversal and going back to its origins.
The US authorities have been preparing the ground for over 20 years by mobilizing various agencies under the military department. They have worked to obtain the scientifically absurd substitution of measures such as "response to a bioterrorist attack" (for which it may make sense to stay holed up at home while waiting for an antidote) for sound management of epidemics, the two basic rules of which are to let general practitioners treat patients with available remedies and to let society live as normally as possible. The media system has also been militarized: the countless "dress rehearsals" for the response to a pandemic that have followed one another under the aegis of the Johns Hopkins Institute, bringing together all the actors in charge of global health (Gates Foundations, government agencies, WHO, etc.) have insisted, since the famous Lockstep project of the Rockefeller Foundation dating from 2010, on the "fight against disinformation". With the aim of countering all those who would contradict the official narrative, in particular by recalling the real science for dealing with epidemics. The entire strategy of denunciation and labeling, online harassment, media and professional persecution of dissidents, as well as censorship, was carefully planned and rehearsed in advance. These processes are characteristic of what is now called "5th generation wars".
Unlike previous forms of conflict, the battlefield is now taking place in people's minds. Rather than applying external oppressive forces, contemporary military strategies aim to make as many citizens as possible allies and relays in the ongoing war. It is precisely because so many of our fellow citizens have fallen into the trap of falsely protective measures and have been conditioned to consider as enemies all those who reminded us of the uselessness and even the danger of these measures, that entire professions have been able to be instrumentalized in this sense, from journalists to teachers, including law enforcement, doctors and pharmacists of course, but also judges, police officers, lawyers, parliamentarians, etc.
American political science professor Lance deHaven Smith had denounced the use of the conspiracy label as a smokescreen deployed by the media (at the request of the intelligence services) to camouflage ongoing state crimes against democracy. It is our governments (and the interests they serve) who are now waging a generalized war against their own populations, with the aim of depriving them of self-determination and therefore of freely choosing their destiny.
Dr VR: The central question posed by your book ultimately offers three possible solutions: all this because our leaders are totally useless, all this because it was carried out by a few isolated, all-powerful but perfectly organized criminals, or finally all this to definitively remove power from the people who live in a democracy? Do we tell them which way you would lean today, or do we let the readers work?
JDM: One of the fundamental motives of the current operation is that of "hiding in plain sight". The essayist Slobodan Despot reminded us: what is happening is not a conspiracy, since those who are acting criminally have announced their intentions very clearly. The project of imposing a world government, with power held by a small elite of people who are superiorly intelligent (in their own eyes!) and therefore better able than the populations to decide the future of humanity, has been stated very clearly both by those who really hold power on a global scale and by local figures like Nicolas Sarkozy in France. "We will not be able to escape a world government!" " he had proclaimed as explicitly as possible... The totalitarian society of generalized control is therefore openly announced with, as Jacques Attali described it, a small caste of privileged people with all the rights, a remainder of a precarious middle class, and a large reservoir of slaves ready to do anything to survive...
If therefore there is no conspiracy, since everything has been said, it remains nonetheless that numerous hidden conspiracies have been and are in progress to continue to lull the conscience of the populations and to instrumentalize them in the desired direction.
The good news is that the future – even if it appears bleak – is not closed. The global coup has in fact already taken place. Our countries are neither democracies nor states governed by the rule of law. Technically, France, for example, no longer has a Constitution since there is no longer any separation of powers and the independence of justice is no longer guaranteed. We must therefore acknowledge this state of affairs, but also that in hyperreality (the “mediaverse” according to the term of the philosopher Alexis Haupt, or this parallel, fictitious reality described by the media), the population still believes it lives in a democracy and in a state governed by the rule of law.
A real awakening and a thwarting of the diabolical plan will only occur when enough people have opened their eyes to this reality and refuse to be dispossessed of their fundamental rights and of what collectively guarantees the common good, namely justice and freedom.
Dr VR: This is the time for your free expression, thank you for having taken part in this limited question-and-answer exercise, you can now conclude as you wish… Thank you again for everything you do every day for us, particularly on your YouTube channel “L'info non censurée” for many months…
JDM: Thank you Vincent! I will conclude by thanking you, along with AIMSIB, for the amazing work you have been doing for almost ten years. You are, in a way, the pioneers of tomorrow's medicine - and therefore of tomorrow's world. As such, as is currently the case for all visionary dissidents, you are individually and collectively harassed and even persecuted by a caste of toxic leaders and officials who have chosen, consciously or not, the camp of injustice and perversity. Many of us, in different circles and groups in our societies, have chosen the camp of refusal of the current totalitarian drift and have dared to oppose the lie. In his analyses of the evolution of our societies, Maffesoli had highlighted that we were leaving, with the modern era, this pretension of uniformity and therefore of standardization of our society and its practices. The delusional fantasy of technical medicine is also a caricature of modernity. Even, it has been seriously discussed, the project of replacing the consultation with access to boxes in which patients would go to undergo a set of biological analyses managed by an "artificial intelligence" interface, resulting in a prescription of medication, without the need for the intervention of a human being. Such a vision should make us burst out laughing so grotesque and also delusional it is!
The future belongs to tribes of people united around aspirations, values and intentions. For my part, since the beginning of this adventure, I have felt deeply connected to a large tribe of people "of good will and good faith" of which AIMSIB is obviously a part in my eyes. I do not know how this story will end. In any case, as Alphonse Allais suggested, "don't take yourselves too seriously, none of us will come out of this alive!" I do know, however, what I am keen to devote all my energy and inspiration to. The famous anthropologist Margaret Mead once said:
“Never doubt that a small group of motivated people has the power to change the world. In fact, that is how it has always happened.”
I do not know whether or not we will succeed in reversing the current deadly drift. But I do feel, on the other hand, the full happiness of having found each other and of being able to lead together this noble, peaceful and serene fight in favour of the inalienable respect for human dignity.
My last word will therefore simply be: THANK YOU!