Germany's Death Spiral: When Ideology Strangles the Economy
”Pets are becoming luxury items , food banks are having to ration food .”
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able denial of reality. The latest scandal surrounding Elon Musk's interference in German politics is just the tip of a much larger iceberg.
The facts are overwhelming: A quarter of Germans can no longer pay their monthly bills. 17.5 million people - a shocking reassessment of poverty figures including housing costs - live in poverty. The once proud "hidden champions" of German industry are fighting for survival. Pets are becoming luxury items , food banks are having to ration food .
The “traffic light” coalition imploded spectacularly on November 6, and the vote of confidence on December 16 was just a formality. But the established parties – whether SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP or Greens – are only presenting cosmetic solutions to structural problems in the run-up to the new elections on February 23.
The crucial point that the political mainstream stubbornly ignores: Germany's economic decline is not a natural disaster, but the result of self-imposed political castration. The loss of cheap Russian energy - not through Moscow's decision, mind you, but through Western self-sanctions and sabotage (keyword: Nord Stream) - has pulled the rug out from under German industry.
The analogy is as apt as it is frightening: Germany is like an ageing medium-sized company that has not only neglected its fitness but is also cutting off its own air supply. The USA, under Joe Biden as well as President-elect Trump, is cleverly exploiting this self-strangulation to lure away German companies with subsidies.
Only two parties dare to call this elephant in the room by its name: the AfD under Alice Weidel, now the second strongest force in the polls, and Sahra Wagenknecht's BSW. The fact that these political antipodes are the only ones to address the need to normalize relations with Russia shows the absurdity of the situation.
The deeper tragedy lies in the intellectual capitulation of German politics: instead of representing the obvious national interests, it is submitting to a transatlantic groupthink that is leading Germany into the economic abyss. Chinese competition, dwindling export markets and the threat of American punitive tariffs are doing the rest.
Bloomberg is already talking about a "point of no return" - a decline that threatens to become irreversible. German politics is reacting to this with a mix of denial of reality and ideological blindness. While people are getting worked up about Musk's "interference", they are deliberately ignoring the massive American intervention in Germany's economic sovereignty.
The bitter truth is that Germany's problems are solvable - but not as long as the political class refuses to break the shackles it has imposed on itself. The upcoming elections will not change this as long as all potential governing parties cling to a dogma that subordinates Germany's interests to those of Washington.
What we are experiencing is not an ordinary economic crisis, but the systematic dismantling of an industrial location through ideological self-shackling. A country is committing economic suicide - and its political elite is applauding it. The irony is that while people are outraged about Musk's alleged interference, they are deliberately ignoring how Joe Biden is driving Germany into de-industrialization and Michael Roth, of all people the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, is shamelessly interfering in the politics of other countries like Georgia.
Germany's future is at stake and time is running out. Without a fundamental correction of the political course, without the restoration of a rational relationship with Russia and without a return to national economic interests, the decline will be unstoppable. This is not a doom-mongering, but a sober analysis of an accelerating decline. The question is no longer whether, but only when Germany will finally lose its status as a European economic power.
It would be easy for some of us to bask in schafenfreude — Angela Merkel dissolved Germany’s borders, pressured other European countries to do the same, and is now living with the consequences. But resist that temptation— Germany has experienced economic meltdown before, in large part due to other countries’ policies, and the result was not a happy one.
No normal person wants to see millions suffer. Yet a strong Germany, which means a strong EU and a strong NATO has already destroyed 2 countries: Greece, economically and Ukraine in a war which is a paragon of insensate folly. Perhaps the third collapse in just over a 100 hundred years will result, at long last, in the German people insisting on the proper regulation and control of their politicians.