France : censorship extends to the private sphere
A liberticidal and totalitarian law repressing private comments has been passed
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“Proposal for a law aimed at strengthening the criminal response against racist, anti-Semitic or discriminatory offenses”. This is the title of a law, passed at first reading by the National Assembly and which all the media and all politicians should talk about. This is a new villainous law, intended to increasingly muzzle freedom of expression, the implications of which are nightmarish.”
Xavier Van Lierde, journalist at Radio Courtoisie, who deciphers the incredible liberticidal mechanism behind this law.
I forced myself to watch the session of the National Assembly devoted to examining the law proposing to make private comments deemed discriminatory, an offense. It is a trying spectacle as it reveals the liberticidal and totalitarian drift of our society.
Not a single MP worries about the extension of the crime of opinion to the private sphere, while the abolition of the border between public and private characterizes totalitarianism. Proof of this totalitarian dimension, these offenses will be investigated on… “denunciation”!
Towards everything discriminatory
To pass this totalitarian project quietly, the deputies highlight the increase in anti-Semitism. But the law actually targets all allegedly discriminatory comments: for example, comments relating to sexual orientation.
Concrete example
Could a parent who argues as a family against the “gender transition” of their child on the grounds that a human being cannot change sex be prosecuted tomorrow for “discriminatory remarks” by the LGBT association which supports their child? under his influence?
Thought Police
Like previous anti-discrimination laws, this one does not only target “acts” but “words”.
The inevitable consequence is the establishment of a “thought police” responsible for tracking down divergent comments even in the private sphere.Towards an extension to all controversial subjects?
Once this intrusion into the private sphere is validated, why would it not extend to other controversial subjects. Random: health policies, climate issues, geopolitics…
Whatever its intentions (each MP will have their own), this law sets in motion a terrible liberticidal and totalitarian mechanism that all lovers of free thought should fight with all their might. We can (still) dream…
Xavier Van Lierde
Source: Twitter