Christine Anderson: “The fight is not over ...
... as long as the social control infrastructure put in place during the Covid crisis remains”
Translated from The Epoch Times
INTERVIEW – Christine Anderson continues to demand justice in the face of attacks on fundamental freedoms imposed under the guise of crisis management during Covid-19. Present at the Make Europe Great Again summit, which was held this Tuesday and Wednesday at the European Parliament in Brussels, the MEP from the German AfD party emphasizes that digital currency projects, the fight against climate change and transgenderism are also instruments of a “globalist agenda” designed to stifle national sovereignty and further restrict individual freedoms. She calls for international cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic to confront this.
Epoch Times: You took part in the Make Europe Great Again summit organized at the European Parliament. What was the spirit of this approach?
Christine Anderson: Unity. It is essential that people unite and organize themselves, because our freedom, our democracy and the rule of law are under attack, particularly in Western democracies.
Just consider the reaction to Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again slogan: the hysteria it provoked speaks volumes. If such a simple slogan stirs up such a frenzy, it must be because it hits the mark. The outcry it provoked highlights the true nature of what I call the globalitarian misanthrope agenda: a program designed to erode national sovereignty, but also cultural identity and individual freedoms.
This attack on freedoms and sovereignty is not an exclusively American issue: this totalitarian thrust is evident in all Western democracies.
Why? Because there is no point in imposing these agendas on China or North Korea: these regimes are already totalitarian. Instead, they need to dismantle the one thing that threatens their hold: the principles of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law that define the West.
The only way to resist is to unite where we can and stand our ground. Without collective action, we will not prevail.
E.T. : It is well established that the left has always excelled at uniting—both within and across borders. Take communism in the last century: a global movement, structured, disciplined, relentless. The right, on the other hand, is a different story. It has often struggled to achieve the same level of cohesion and coordinated action…
C.A. : Communists have always pursued the goal of international communism: it is the very core of their ideology. Interestingly, their ambitions align closely with those of globalitarian misanthropes: the eradication of nation states, the dismantling of national sovereignty, and ultimately the destruction of individual freedom. We have seen this before under communist regimes, where personal freedoms were methodically undermined in order to deprive individuals of their own identity.
Whether it is national identity and cultural identity, or today even sexual identity, their goal remains unchanged: to erase everything that defines us. And when nothing is left, what is left? A being emptied of its essence, malleable at will, a mere interchangeable cog in a machine designed to exert absolute control. Their project is clear: to transform our societies into an amorphous and docile mass, easily manipulated, devoid of any individuality.
It is no accident that communists and globalists share the same ultimate goal: to deprive individuals of their uniqueness. Consider the radical push for gender ideology. If identity becomes infinitely fluid, changing at will, then what are you ultimately? Nothing. No fixed identity, no defining characteristics. This is the essence of their agenda: to reduce the individual to a faceless, voiceless, and ultimately powerless entity.
We must therefore recognize the importance of international cooperation, not at the cost of national sovereignty, of course. But to counter the globalitarian misanthropes, we must organize on a global scale while protecting our nations, cultures, and freedoms. Their fight is international, so our resistance must be just as international.
E.T. : You became known during the Covid era for your fight to defend fundamental freedoms. How do you view the silence of a large part of the right wing on the restrictions, particularly on freedom of expression and movement, during this period?
C.A. : First of all, it is understandable that many did not immediately perceive what was happening. It is difficult to admit that your own government, democratically elected and supposed to protect our interests, has betrayed us. Many were simply not ready, and some still are not, to face this reality. But once you have acknowledged it, it becomes impossible to ignore it: despite its speeches, your government is not working for you: it is working against you.
This reluctance to admit betrayal has prevented many of us from seeing the mechanisms put in place to erode our freedoms, during the Covid period, and today through other projects.
From transgender ideology to the climate agenda to initiatives like CBDCs and so-called “15-minute cities” — all of these projects are instruments to dismantle freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.
However, the Covid era has been a turning point. People have been methodically conditioned to give up their civil liberties. We have been told that our rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, are no longer rights, but privileges, granted or taken away at the discretion of the government, based on our submission. Fear has become their main weapon: “Don’t wear a mask and you will die. Stay home or you will kill others.” This relentless bombardment has broken down resistance, conditioning minds to obey without question.
And look at the scandalous reality of mRNA injections: billions of dollars diverted to big pharma for a product that was, at best, useless, and at worst, harmful—even deadly in many cases.
E.T. : On this subject, the European Commission announced on 24 January the signing of a contract with the Moderna laboratory allowing the purchase of 146 million doses of mRNA vaccines against Covid-19. What was your reaction when you heard this news?
C.A. : That they continue to try to impose these injections, despite their now undeniable harmful effects…
Look at the so-called special committee of inquiry on Covid within the European Parliament. A special committee, certainly, but with limited powers. We did not even have the necessary authority to summon Ursula von der Leyen to question her.
But even in this restricted framework, we managed to expose countless lies: for example, Jeanine Small, vice-president of Pfizer, admitted with appalling levity that the vaccine had never been tested to verify whether it prevented transmission. Now, the entire covid narrative was based on this lie: that the unvaccinated should stay home, that they were a danger to others.
But in the end, did this revelation change anything? No. It had no impact. The final report of this commission is not even worth the paper it is printed on: they have shamelessly repeated every lie that we have been confronted with during this crisis, as if none of the existing evidence matters. It is sickening. Really sickening.
In any case, we cannot let this go. When some people look back on the Covid crisis, they like to say: “Oh, it’s over now. And it wasn’t so bad.” But I totally disagree. What happened was very serious. People were ostracized, threatened, and even fired for refusing the injection.
Besides, the fight is not over. Why? Because all the measures they imposed, all those emergency laws they passed, they are still in place. The infrastructure of social control is still there. And as long as it is, this fight is far from over.
Take for example the German Infection Protection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz). It still contains the same draconian measures: lockdowns, mandatory testing, and other freedom-killing restrictions. They never repealed it. It is still in effect, which means they can reactivate it at any time.
Meanwhile, the WHO continues to aggressively push for even greater control. They are seeking to assume governing powers over member states in the event of a future pandemic. And as luck would have it, they are the ones who decide when a pandemic is declared, and then claim emergency authority over sovereign nations. This is pure madness.
Let's be honest: this story will only truly be over when those responsible are held accountable, when they appear in court and answer for their actions in court.
E.T. : In Germany, the RKI-files have revealed the minutes of discussions between the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the federal government during the Covid-19 crisis, revealing that many health measures were not based on any scientific basis. What did you think?
C.A. : With the publication of the RKI-files, one might have thought that, now that the truth has been exposed, we, the so-called Covidiots, would finally be rehabilitated. Everything we said, every accusation we made against the government... It was all true and right. And now we have written proof of it.
Yet even after this leak, the government continues to manipulate public opinion: "No, no, the RKI acted completely independently." But the reality is now clear. The government imposed the restrictions it wanted and then pressured the RKI to find a pseudo-scientific justification for them.
It was not the RKI that advised the government, but the other way around. The institute allowed itself to be reduced to a mere instrument, an administrative stamp serving to give a veneer of legitimacy to an authoritarian power.
We must all get in touch with our inner redneck.