Take part in our citizen action to challenge MEPs on the re-election of Ms Ursula von der Leyen
Here is the call of one of the very few active belgian associations who fights for our rights since the beginning of C-19 “plandemic”… They really deserve our help and commitment ! Please take action and share as widely as you can. Thanks by avance. ”CM”
Hello everyone,
I was this morning at the Brussels Courthouse to support Frédéric Baldan in his summary request requesting recognition of his status as a whistleblower and the damage he is suffering following his non-renewal of access to the European Parliament as a lobbyist, following his filing of a criminal complaint against Mrs von der Leyen.
The hearing was relatively short, the defense lawyer not wishing to address the merits and contenting himself with maintaining that Mr. Baldan's action is illegitimate because he would not be a whistleblower (if he 'is not one, who will be?) and that he did not refer the matter to the correct jurisdiction.
In short, the strategy is always the same: drown the fish in the form so as not to have to tackle the substance.
In any case, we have 10 days left to let MEPs know, who may not know it, who knows... that Mrs von der Leyen is under investigation for corruption, illegal taking of interest and destruction of administrative documents.
We are therefore calling on your commitment and support for a new citizen action: this involves calling on European deputies (MEPs) regarding the re-election of Ms. Ursula von der Leyen to the presidency of the European Commission, scheduled for 18 next June.
Despite the presumption of innocence from which Mrs von der Leyen rightly benefits, we believe that her re-election would send the wrong signal in terms of ethics, integrity and transparency of European institutions.
How can you participate?
Send an open letter: We have written an open letter to MEPs. You can copy/paste it here (1) and send it by email to the MEPs. A list of MEPs' email addresses is available here (2).
Share on social media: Use your social media accounts to share our open letter. Use the hashtags #ethiqueUE or #BaldanNBD
Spread the information: Talk about it to those around you, to your friends, family and colleagues.
Even though we know that our MPs today are indifferent to our calls, we must keep up the pressure.
They must feel that we will not give up and that we will continue to defend our values.
Continue to put the pressure on by becoming a civil party against Ms. von der Leyen, with NBD and Frédéric Baldan.
You can also put pressure on Mrs von der Leyen by becoming a civil party in the trial for corruption and illegal taking of interest,
Benoit, the children and I are taking a few days of vacation in London, the week of July 22 but registrations are still open.
Nothing could be simpler: download the following two documents, complete them and send them back with a copy of both sides of your identity card to
All donations are welcome to participate in this action but we leave your participation to your sole discretion, in order to allow everyone to participate according to their means today and tomorrow.
We wish you all the best,
Isabelle and Benoit
(1) :
(2) :
Thanks for sending the forms about UvdL.
Current Europeans are still heavily over-fed and have not the faintest idea what is awaiting them ...
Once their bellies get flatter and flatter, their offal start rumbling 24/7/365, and masses of impoverished pawns cannot be overlooked any more, maybe, just maybe, some of them will start moving and finally try to change things for the better. I wish them good luck with that !!!
I myself live outside that madhouse since the 80s, don't have and do not wish their ID ...