And while the world has its eyes fixed on Donald Trump, globalism advances!
Europeans are unaware that the global deep state is working behind the scenes
Author : Claude Janvier for France-Soir - Published on November 12, 2024
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The majority of French people and also Europeans are unaware that the global deep state is working behind the scenes. Indeed, a general directorate for globalization has just been created at the Quai d'Orsay. The desire to dissolve our country into the Anglo-Saxon globalist meltdown is very real. Reading the documents indicated (1) & (2) , no one will be able to dispute it. An armada of technocrats, most certainly formatted by the " Young Global Leaders " program created by Klaus Schwab in 2004, has delegated signatures in place of ministers, for acts, orders, and decisions. Indeed, a general directorate for globalization was duly registered in the Official Journal on September 20, 2024.
Here is a particularly explicit excerpt of the enormous discretionary power that the global deep state and its French counterpart give to a senior civil servant, via the "general directorate of globalization" at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
"Delegation is given to Mr. Rami ABI AKL, Chief Mining Engineer, Head of the Digital and Artificial Intelligence Mission, to sign, on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, all acts, orders and decisions, excluding decrees, within the limits of the attributions of the Digital and Artificial Intelligence Mission. The mission supports the internationalization of French companies in the various digital sectors deemed strategic, such as quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, telecommunications, as well as the acquisition, processing and management of digital data flows. In coordination with the other administrations concerned, it defines and implements attractiveness measures for foreign or expatriate companies and talents on the critical technologies concerned. In addition, the mission contributes to strengthening France's presence and activity within multilateral bodies in the areas of its competence, in particular within the OECD, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and European and international standard-setting bodies."
The content of the entire document shows that our country is in the hands of technocrats with all the powers. We also find the same technocrats at the helm of the European Parliament. Because, contrary to a certain urban legend, it is not the MEPs who run Brussels as the political capital, but rather technocrat commissioners at the orders of an illegitimate president at its head, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen.
All the areas mentioned in this document are under the control of high-ranking state officials. They have the power to sign all acts, orders and decisions, excluding decrees. Thrills guaranteed!
Here is the list of sectors controlled by the technocratic intelligentsia, present in this document:
G7, G20, OECD member countries and international summits
Foreign trade and economic cooperation
Sub-Directorate of Strategic Sectors
Economic standards and the fight against corruption
Attractiveness and economic influence
Artificial intelligence, Cybersecurity, Telecommunications, Digital data.
Human development
Environment and Climate
Democratic governance. (Understand who can!)
Feminist Diplomacy and Education
Culture and media
Higher education and research
Cooperation and cultural action
Ordering of expenditure, receipts, commitments and liquidations
French language and education
Solidarity and sustainable investment
Higher education
Local authorities and civil society
Asia-Americas, cooperation. The document can be consulted in notes (1) & (2)
In light of this document, and after some research, it appears that this "general direction of globalization" also exists in Italy , Belgium, Sweden, tending to prove that Western Europe is, unfortunately, under the tight control of this international financial caste with a deadly ideology. Welcome to a dictatorial European federal state, gangrened by technocrats, resulting in galloping impoverishment and excessive inflation. The EU has more than 100 million poor people in 2024 !
Italy : extract from the document .
" The Directorate-General for Globalization and Global Issues is one of the nine Directorates-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic created following the 2010 reform. The structure deals with various activities and issues relevant in the current globalized international context that are of particular interest to Italy. In particular, the Directorate includes both offices with thematic expertise, mainly of a multilateral nature, and offices with geographical expertise covering the regions of Africa, Latin America and Asia. The main issues that the Directorate-General for Globalization and Global Issues deals with today were previously handled by the former Directorate-General for Economic Issues.
In particular, the Directorate is responsible for analyzing and managing:
global governance processes;
economic issues within the G8/G20;
multilateral economic and financial cooperation;
intellectual property issues;
international energy and environmental issues.”
Belgium . Extract from the document .
" The General Directorate of Multilateral Affairs and Globalization ( DGM ) has the mission of promoting and defending Belgium's foreign policy within the framework of multilateral themes and those relating to the CFSP."
Sweden . Study of the 2030 agenda planned by the Swedish government .
Excerpt: "The government's work with global development policy and the 2030 Agenda was discussed (UU5). The Riksdag considered the government's letter on the global development policy (GDP) in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda."
The ministers of our countries, who in reality only occupy highly paid fixed-term contracts, are only there to entertain the gallery. The system is very well-oiled. The media and political parties focus the attention of the majority thanks to sterile debates that have never made society progress, leaving the field open to the real deep power that, day after day, weaves the globalist web with ardor. The umpteenth performance of the great "Guignol theater" in all its splendor.
Sleep well, good people, the sprawling stateless global financial oligarchy is watching over you. Two options are possible: either France regains its sovereignty, or it will soon be totally diluted and absorbed into the globalist fondue.
Thanks to Maître Roland Sanviti, lawyer at the Paris bar, founder of “Justice and Democracy” & Co-founder of the Giovanni Falcone Prize for sharing this “gem”.
Claude Janvier is a writer, essayist and columnist. Author of the book "The Unmasked. Who Really Runs the World?", and co-author of the book "The French Deep State. Who, How, Why?" KA Éditions
Every day I read in the Financial Times about the EU's attempt to regulate the world from Brussels. And the UK government is trying to do the same thing. US imperialism has been had enough. We don't need Euro imperialism added on.