Accusatory inversion: a propaganda device in the hands of the oligarchy,
which must be denounced !
Source :
By Michel Geoffroy for POLEMIA
Alongside Newspeak, accusatory inversion holds a special place in the propaganda tools of the oligarchy. Decryption.
1. Accusatory inversion: a defense and a weapon
2. First example of an accusatory argument: you are playing on fears!
3. Second example of accusatory inversion: you are conspiracy theorists!
4. Third example of reversal of the burden of proof: you are racist!
5. Fourth example of accusation: you threaten democracy!
6. We must denounce accusatory inversion
7. Notes
8. What is adversarial inversion?
1. Accusatory inversion: a defense and a weapon
Accusatory inversion is a well-known defense process in court consisting of attributing the final cause of a crime not to the guilty party but… to its victim.
So, for example, if a tourist was the victim of a pickpocket, it is because he was careless in showing off his money: in some way he incited the thief to take action.
Do not laugh ! It is in application of this process, for example, that in the Paris metro you are warned in all languages that pickpockets are likely to be present in the station. Conclusion: if they rob you it will be your fault because the RATP warned you!
This type of defense is very popular today since it corresponds to Rousseauist ideology: man is good by nature and it is society that corrupts him. It also corresponds to the leftist ideology of New Social Defense (1), consisting of presenting delinquents as victims who must be reintegrated into society as quickly as possible. It creates the basis for penal laxity because it generates the culture of excuses with all the consequences that we know.
But adversarial inversion is not confined to legal proceedings. It has also become a weapon in the hands of the oligarchy, all the more formidable as it relies on media astonishment. The oligarchs, in fact, never stop accusing their opponents and the European people of their own vices. Some examples.
2. First example of an accusatory argument: you are playing on fears!
A usual accusatory argument in official propaganda is to assert that populists are playing on fears (notably the fear of immigration), which would not be good.
But what are the oligarchs actually doing if not trying to provoke fear with each electoral vote?
So, what didn't they say before the British vote on Brexit? For example, that the English economy was going to collapse, that the markets were going to panic and that, of course, this would cost France a reduction in its growth.
Likewise, when it comes to the euro and European treaties, the oligarchy continues to play on the register of fear: if we leave the euro, the French will lose their savings... If we leave of the European Union, it will be war, etc.
We also saw, this summer, the socialist government and its media broadcast the theme according to which France is on the verge of civil war (2): a new example of the instrumentation of fear.
3. Second example of accusatory inversion: you are conspiracy theorists!
Another example of accusatory inversion: conspiracy, which would be a far-right disease consisting of seeing conspiracies everywhere.
But in reality it is the oligarchy which is constantly plotting against the European peoples: against their sovereignty and their identity.
The oligarchy does not plot but it negotiates the Transatlantic Treaty in the greatest secrecy. She is not plotting but she is trying by all means to draw us into growing hostility towards Russia. It does not plot but it imposes on the French people, with the Treaty of Lisbon, a European treaty which they had rejected by referendum.
She is not plotting , but G. Soros's Open Society Foundation (3) finances movements everywhere intended to spread liberal/libertarian ideology and promote immigration. The oligarchy is not plotting but its main European leaders have all gone through the Young Leaders or the Goldman Sachs bank.
4. Third example of reversal of the burden of proof: you are racist!
The accusation of racism, constantly leveled against Europeans in general and the French in particular, is also an accusatory inversion.
Because in reality the obsessive denunciation of indigenous racism reflects the cosmopolitan hatred of all identities – and in particular European identity – which animates the oligarchs. The oligarchs always prefer the more malleable man with wind soles to the rooted man. They prefer immigrants to natives and foreigners to citizens.
In fact, their ostentatious anti-racism hides their hatred of everything that is “terroir, couvertures, binious, in short, franchouillard or cocardier” (4). It is also striking to note that these so-called professional “anti-racists” refuse to recognize and therefore combat anti-French racism or Christianophobia: which clearly reflects the true hateful orientation of their posture (5).
Furthermore, as Annie Kriegel pointed out in her time, the denunciation of racism at every turn, initiated in particular in France by the SOS-Racisme operation, contributed to disseminating "a racialist vision of social relations", that is, that is, seeing racial issues where there were none. So in reality spreading racism in France.
The oligarchs, who claim to fight against racial defamation, in reality permanently defame the French and Europeans with complete impunity by accusing them, and them alone, of all possible crimes: crusades, slavery, colonialism, militarism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia , racism, etc.
5. Fourth example of accusation: you threaten democracy!
Finally, the last example is the accusation made against populist movements of threatening democracy, or even of wanting to impose a dictatorial regime.
It is also a beautiful accusatory inversion because it is indeed the oligarchy which destroys democracy in particular by attacking the sovereignty of nations, by marginalizing citizenship (6) and by giving primacy to irremovable judges. on legislators. It is also enough to remember these oligarchs railing against the referendum after the English vote on Brexit (7) to measure the extent of their “democratic” spirit. In reality, what they call democracy only means the submission of people to the ideology and interests of the oligarchy.
It is also significant that the oligarchs have chosen to give a pejorative meaning to the word populist : because in their mind it is above all necessary not to do the will of the people , but on the contrary to submit all people to their law and their government ( 8).
6. We must denounce the accusatory inversion
Deciphering Newspeak has taught us to distinguish the reality behind the mask of words.
We know, for example, that what the oligarchs call freedom actually designates the new servile condition that they want to impose on us. As we know what expressions like a working-class neighborhood, or the act of an unbalanced person, really mean.
By opening our eyes to the pitfalls of accusatory inversion, we will now discover that those who constantly play the role of prosecutors for the European peoples are in reality accusing them of the crimes they intend to commit against them.
Newspeak is a deception on and through language (9). Accusatory inversion is an even more serious deception because it concerns the distinction between Good and Evil. Because with the accusatory inversion, Evil adorns itself with the colors of Good and Just.
This is why we must denounce this other form of disinformation.
Your turn now !
Michel Geoffroy
First published on 08/20/2016
7. Notes
See in particular the work of Marc Ancel.
Because of… the ultra-right, according to the head of the DCRI… of August 19, 2016 presents Mr. Soros in the guise of a “philanthropist”…
“Of course, everything that is terroir, couvertures, binious, in short, franchouillard or cocardier is foreign to us, even odious”, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Globe editorial published in 1985.
Which does not prevent them, in another process of accusatory inversion, from proclaiming “FN = F Hate”!
By giving foreigners the same rights, or even greater rights, than those of citizens.
“We must stop saying that the people are always right”, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, of July 5, 2016.
The cosmopolitans who advocate a world government actually want to establish a world dictatorship: their own.
To use the expression of journalist Michel Legris.
8. What is adversarial inversion?
Accusatory inversion is a legal concept that refers to a defense strategy where the accused turns the accusation against the complainant. It consists of presenting the accusation as an unjustified reaction or a projection of the accused's own actions onto others. This strategy aims to sow doubt about the credibility of the accuser and to divert attention from the facts with which the accused is accused. In a political setting, adversarial inversion can be used to manipulate public opinion by making the accused appear to be a victim rather than a potential perpetrator. However, it can also be unmasked and dismantled through a thorough analysis of the evidence and testimony presented.